Sustainability in practice - use of renewable energies

New photovoltaic system at the Bex production site (Switzerland/VD)

Fixit AG continues to expand its measures for sustainable action and launched a project within the framework of sustainability in the FIXIT GRUPPE: at the end of 2022, a new photovoltaic system was installed at the Swiss production site in Bex and 4,000sqm of solar panels were laid on a total of five roof surfaces.

The plant will produce around 830,000kWh of electricity annually, which is equivalent to the consumption of around 210 households or 9,244 full Tesla charges. Around 70% of the energy generated will be used in the factory to operate the production machines.

The company has invested over one million Swiss francs for this measure. Given the forecasts for electricity prices in the coming years, a rapid payback is expected.

Further measures are already planned for 2023, such as the conversion of conventional pallet vehicles to electric forklifts or the successive expansion of the vehicle fleet to be electric-based.

More information about Fixit AG.

use for production

annual power production

Shaping the future

Sustainability in the FIXIT GRUPPE

Whether mobile working, e-mobility or photovoltaics - the companies of the FIXIT GRUPPE have already launched numerous projects to achieve and optimise sustainability goals.